Pubali Bank organizes workshop on Green Banking

A workshop on “SME, Ethical Banking, ERM & Green Bnking” organized by Pubali Bank Dhaka Central Region was held recently. Managing Director and CEO of Pubali Bank Ltd.

Helal Ahmed Chowdhury was present as Chief Guest. Additional Managing Director of Pubali Bank M. A. Halim Chowdhury and Deputy Managing Director Safiul Alam Khan Chowdhury were present as Special Guests. Mamun Bakht, Deputy General Manager and Regional Head of Dhaka Central Region presided over the workshop.

Central SME Ethical BankingIn his speech Managing Director of Pubali Bank Ltd. Helal Ahmed Chowdhury said, “SME sector is playing the most important role to boost up the economy of the country. This sector is contributing in Poverty eradication, creating new employment, empowering women and making new entrepreneurs”. He said, “Pubali Bank Ltd. is playing an important role by distributing loan to small and medium entrepreneurs on simple condition under the guideline of Bangladesh Bank”. He said, “Green Banking is a worldwide popular concept now-a-days.

Banking sector can play an important role by funding to the industry which is harmful for the environment.” He informed that Bangladesh Bank has formed an ethical committee to purify the banks of the country. Pubali Bank is working according to the direction of that committee.

In his speech Additional Managing Director M. A. Halim Chowdhury said, “Pubali Bank is socially responsible and concerned about environmental matters. The bank takes eco-friendly projects and firmly determined to implement those projects.” He said, Pubali Bank provides the best banking services to its customers. The bank is is playing an important role to ensure economic growth as a eco-friendly bank.

General Manager of Credit Division of the bank Habibur Rahman, DGM of Internal Control & Compliance Division Nitish Kumar Roy, Branch Managers of Dhaka Central Region and other Executives were also present at the workshop.


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