REHAB, NHA to work together for growth of housing sector

Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) has teamed up with the National Housing Authority (NHA) to work for development of the government’s housing sector.

This was disclosed when leaders of REHAB held the association’s first meeting with NHA Chairman Shahidul Alam at the housing authority here.

Among others, Vice-President Liakat Ali Bhuiyan, General Secretary M Wahiduzzaman, Organizing Secretary Shahidul Islam Badol and executive members architect Mohammad Al Amin and engineer Shafique Rahman attended the meeting, says a press release.

DSC03618During the meeting, Shahidul Alam praised the role of the association in the housing sector and assured them of providing REHAB with all out support to give a big boost to the growing industry.

REHAB leaders expressed the hope that the joint collaboration of the association and the state-run regulatory body will pave the way for ensuring the basic rights to housing of common people.

Various issues including easing bureaucratic complexities, excising problems of the housing sector came up for discussion during the meeting.

“We’ll give a concrete proposal to the national housing authority and carry out a feasibility study soon on how we can work closely with the authority for development of the public housing sector,” said Liakat Ali Bhuiyan.


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