Robi in partnership with leading footwear brand Apex Footwear Ltd., has launched a special campaign named “Elite Weekend Foorti” for ‘Robi Elite’ customers. The elite customer base of Robi can enjoy a free voucher coupon worth 500 taka in both offline and online ( at Apex on every weekend (Friday-Saturday) during the month of April under the campaign.
The vouchers will be given to the first 150 elite customers which can be used for any kind of order in the month of April. Customers need to register at / to redeem the coupon in both offline and online. Along with the voucher offer, Robi Elite customers can enjoy 10% discount (up to 200-taka) additionally for ordering exclusively on that can be availed for the whole month of April.
There are two different codes for availing Apex free voucher coupon and discounts. Customers need to Type REW< space > Weekendapex01 and send an SMS to 1213 for free voucher coupon. For online order at discount offer, customers need to Type REW< space > Weekendapex02 and send an SMS to 1213.