School Banking Confce at AIBL  

‘Tomar haatei tomar vobisshot’ (Your future is in your hand) – with this slogan, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited (AIBL) arranged ‘School Banking Conference – 2014’ on Wednesday (June 27, 2014) at Annada Government High School, Brahmanbaria. Chairman of the Bank Badiur Rahman inaugurated the conference as chief guest.

20140627_aibl_school_banking_pressThe ceremony was presided by Managing Director of the Bank Md. Habibur Rahman while Founder Charman Alhajj A. Z. M. Shamsul Alam and Director Alhajj Abdul Malek Mollah were present as Special Guests. Head Mistress of Annada Government High School Farida Nazmin organized the conference. Among others Public Prosicutor Advocat Mohiuddin Ahmed Khan, Deputy Manading Director of the Bank Md. Mofazzal Hossain, Executive Vice President Syed Masodul Bari, Senior Vice President Md. Nazmus Saadat, Senior Vice President Abed Ahmed Khan, Vice President and Head of AIBL Sylhet Zone Md. Harunoor Rashid and Assistant Vice President Jalal Ahmed were present on the occasion.

Under School Banking Campaign, Al-Arafah Islami Bank is providing special banking services to school-going students from all of its 105 on-line branches all over the country.


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