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Arts & Entertainment

BTV app launched

BTV app has been launched with the facility of watching Bangladesh television in mobile application and from now on people can download the app from Google play store for android mobile phones and apple store for i phones. People can watch the four channels- BTV, BTV World, BTV Chattogram and Sangsad Bangladesh Television- through this app. Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud today inaugurated the app of BTV at a function at the meeting room of his ministry at Secretariat. In his speech, the minister said the facility of watching BTV from any...

Raagi to hit overseas market

Bangladeshi film 'Raagi' Directed by Mizanur Rahman Mizan and starring Abir-Achal duo is going to make a highest record in the field of export. The film 'Raagi' one of the action comedy film was produced by Jakiya Jaya under the banner of Ashtha Katha Chitra. However, The Tan Tan Films Co.,Ltd is the international distributor of this film. Castings of this films were various renowned actors such as, Star Famous Artist Moon Moon, Shatabdi Wadud, Shakil, Marup Aquib and Moumita Starred. A Chinese company has expressed (International Film Procurement office in Singapore) interest in buying the rights of Movie Raagi for online platform by pay off USD 200,000.00. The company has approximately 10 million over subscribers in the asia regional including China. They release motions picture fi...

Suruj Dewan dead, but not forgotten

Sir Frank Peters

  Wednesday, October 10 marked the 40th day of mourning following the death of one of the most beloved and distinguished Bangladeshi holy men, Guru Suruj Dewan. Guru Suruj who was born and raised in Haydarabad, Gazipur, devoted his entire life to serving Guru Suruj Dewan.40ththe people of the area, spiritually and medically. He was a knowledgeable and gifted homeopathic doctor of high renown and held with prof...

First ever 3D animation cartoon series in Bengali

The very first three-dimensional (3D) animation series based on children’s adventure story in Bangla is on the drawing board as the trial of ‘Chacha Bahinir Ajob Kahini’ has been released on Youtube channel. Animation means joy and moving to another world, animation means the smallest people are laughing and crying out. But, if anyone tries to find out any suitable animation film for children in Bangla will not get much, reports UNB. Keeping this challenge in mind, a team of creative people came forward to make a 3D animated Car...
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A different Romeo and Juliet

The British Council has filmed the theatre “A Different Romeo and Juliet” performed by people with special needs and is screening the theater in six divisional districts of Bangladesh. This was the first ever theatre performed by the Bangladeshi casting with people with special needs, which was the outcome of a three-year project by the British Council in partnership with GRAEAE Theatre UK and Dhaka Theatre in Bangladesh to mark the 400 death anniversary of William Shakespeare. This cultural approach has an effective way to highlight the importance of empowering diverse groups to participate in cross-cultural dialogue and capacity building which is connected towards “Leave no one behind” agenda of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal.The filmed version of the “A Different Romeo ...

IPDC partners Aga Khan Foundation Jubilee Concert

IPDC Finance Limited, the first financial institution of Bangladesh established in 1981, recently has appreciated as the Lead Partner at Jubilee Concert Dhaka with Aga Khan Foundation. To celebrate the 60 years of service to the world, Aga Khan Foundation has organized this concert at International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB). Jubilee Concerts of Aga Khan Foundation have already been received with great acclaim and enthusiasm in Russia, The United States and several countries in Africa. Jubilee Concert...
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