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BNPS representative visits girls club in Bandarban

Sanjoy Majumder, Project Manager, OLHF Project, Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS) visited the Girls Club of Our Lives, Our Health, Our Futures (OLHF) project. Also present on the occasion were Dawnai Prue Naly, Executive Director, Ananya Kallyan Sanghathon (AKS), Sumit Banik, Master Trainer, BNPS, Myamesing Marma, Project Coordinator, AKS, Yeisanu Marma, Trainer cum Program Officer, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Uswehla Marma and Para Karbari, Club presidents, club mentors, club members, and their guardians. On Sunday (September 20) at 10 am, the girl's ...

WaterAid launches another public toilet in city

WaterAid Bangladesh in association with Dhaka South City Corporation has launched another public toilet at Bahadur Shah Park funded by H&M Foundation. Mohammad Sayeed Khokon, Mayor, Dhaka South City Corporation inaugurated this modern sanitation facility today. This visually stunning, female and disable friendly public toilet at this historically significant location of the city are expected to offer visitors with comfort and convenience. These modern toilet equipped with facilities including separate chamber for male and female, locker, hand 1

Stimulating public toilets at CNG filling stations

WaterAid Bangladesh in association with Dhaka North City Corporation has inaugurated a modern public toilet at Zaman Filling Station in the city, funded by H&M Foundation, today. It is one of its kind sanitation facility built at a CNG filling station to support travelers with a safe, clean and well-equipped washroom, free of charge.Md Mesbahul Islam, CEO, Dhaka North City CNG_Refuelling_Station_in_DhakaCorporation, inaugurated the public toilet in presence of Mr Masud Ali Khan,...

Caritas helping cyclone victims

Caritas is working with Bangladesh authorities in offering aid to tens of thousands of people left homeless by Cyclone Roanu. The cyclone, packing winds up to 88 kilometers per hour, caused a tidal surge along the Bangladesh coast on May 21, leaving at least 26 people dead. The government had ordered the evacuation of about 2 million people in 19 coastal districts. However, many believed the storm was weakening after striking Sri Lanka a few days earlier and refused to leave their homes. BangladeshWomanCyclone

SIDA representative visits LoCAL projects in BD

Zahra Ayadi from SIDA visited LoCAL schemes in two drought-prone upazilas of Rajshahi District in Bangladesh. She visited a pond that was excavated for retention of surface water in the drought-prone upazila of Godagari. She talked to the community people living around the pond. They face SIDA-logodifficulties in accessing waterbodies in dry season. Additionally, over extraction of ground water during the irrigation season depletes water table in the area and dry-up surface waterbodies. Around 50 families belonging to et...

Workshop on urban poverty reduction held in city

A regional exchange workshop was organized at the very end of the Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction (UPPR) learning and good practices documentation process. It aimed to establish a dialogue among the community members, a selection of national and international experts, the consultant team leading the documentation, and UNDP. The workshop was organized at Bangabandhu International Convention Centre (BICC), Dhaka during March 20-21, 2016. The workshop featured the findings from the ‘Documentation of UPPR Learning and Good Practices’ – the country’s single largest urban poverty reduction project which was implemented during 2008-2015. UNDP hosted the two days long regional exchange workshop to validate multiple lessons [caption id="attachment_22396" align="alignleft" width...
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