Think Clean, Save the Saint Martin-An Initiative Worth Appreciating

St. Martin’s is a little island situated on the northeastern side of the Bay of Bengal, around 9 km south from the tip of the Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf landmass. Ships are the best means to arrive at St. Martin’s Island from Teknaf. The inner vehicle for driving inside the island incorporates a non-mechanized van (pulled by man) and a battery-driven auto-cart.

Owing to its scenic beauty it has transformed into one of the most tourist destinations in Bangladesh. Locals, as well as foreigners, crowd this place of interest lasting throughout the year. However, allegations have always been rife as far as maintaining and managing this tourist attraction is a national concern. There are wide allegations against the tourists that they litter the spot by tossing junks hither and thither unpredictably.

Notwithstanding the way that travellers in the greater part of the cases are to be considered answerable for making the spot grimy, a gathering of understudies, of late, have attempted to have an effect through an extraordinary and model drive. A gathering of understudies under the oversight of five instructors visited Saint Martin’s Island from 20-22 March 2022. The trip was organized by the ‘Computer Club’ of Northern University Bangladesh (NUB). Nonetheless, this time the point of the review visit was very unique as those understudies framed a human chain there while fighting the continuous contamination on the island and led a tidiness to get there too. Enlivened by the motto “Think Clean, Save the Martin”, they started the campaign by collecting plastic bottles, polythene etc. and set the junks in the bins. Such a mission drew broad appreciation from the vacationers.

This campaign got more momentum with the demonstration of a robot named “Trash Collecting Bot”. This robot was built by one of the students of Northern University Bangladesh. This trash-collecting robot can distinguish garbage through scanning with the help of its own mounted camera. Then it moves to the garbage which it has identified as rubbish. Subsequently, it can gather the rubbish by moving its arm and placing the garbage into the trash. This bot can be the torchbearer for a cleaner island if recognition from the concerned authority can be pulled on.

Raihan-Ul-Masood, Head, Dept. of CSE, NUB and one of the coordinators, said about this drive, “We ruin nature while touring. We toss plastic things which don’t disintegrate in the soil to a great extent. Thu-sly, these plastic things are dirtying the island and placing the biological equilibrium of the sea in danger. We should be mindful so the ocean, nature and the magnificence of the island are not annihilated attributable to our hesitant demeanour.”

Md. Ruhul Amin, an Assistant Professor of CSE and one of the coordinators of the campaign said, “We have to be absolutely mindful to preserve our natural beauty and national resources.

Muhammed Samsuddoha Alam, an Assistant Professor of CSE and Convener of NUB Computer Club, said, “One of our greatest natural resources has become a garbage dump—and the results are taking a toll on human and marine health. They are closing down coastal areas, destroying marine life and making people seriously sick. Understanding the devastating effects of pollution on our beaches is the first step to fixing the problem. ”

We are fortunate enough that we have a St. Martin Island which allows us to enjoy the scenic beauty of the sea. We must not contaminate the environment of this beautiful Island by being careless through tossing plastics, polythenes etc. randomly here and there while visiting St. Martin Island. We must conserve its environment for our future generations.”

Saddam Hosen, an understudy and one of the campaigners, shared, “We arranged this visit another way right all along. On the off chance that the young people don’t become cognizant and make others mindful of the unsafe effects of such a terrible practice, then, at that point, the propensity for dirtying the sea will go on unabated. Thus, we have considered framing a human chain and leading the neatness drive with the end goal of bringing issues to light on the issue.






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