Training on arbitration in procurement disputes

To promote and enhance the practice of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Bangladesh, Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) holds various trainings throughout the year. In line with that, BIAC held two-day long Training on Arbitration in Procurement Disputes and Implementation of BIAC Rules at BIAC premises from 6-7  May 2024.

The training was divided into two modules, one day dedicated for each module. The sessions were attended by 31 participants representing various sectors such as law firms, banks, financial institutions, government organizations, and corporate houses. The course aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage procurement-related disputes through arbitration, with a specific focus on the application of BIAC Rules. Upon having completed the program, participants have been well-prepared to navigate procurement disputes efficiently and in alignment with internationally recognized arbitration standards.

Md. Mokbul Hossain, Director, Bangladesh Bank, presently General Manager (Foreign Purchase) and Company Secretary, The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. facilitated the Module 1 titled Introduction to Procurement and Understanding the Procurement Procedure while Md. Monzur Rabbi, Barrister at-Law, Advocate, Appellate Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh facilitated Module 2 titled Arbitration in Procurement Disputes and implementation of BIAC Rules.

Muhammad A. (Rumee) Ali, Vice Chairman of BIAC was present in the closing ceremony and distributed certificates to the participants.


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