10pc quota for women in DCC markets proposed

A delegation of 3 members from Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI) led by its President Ms. Selima Ahmad put forwarded some proposals for the development of women entrepreneurs to the Honorable Mayor Mr. Annisul Huq, Dhaka North City Corporation at Nagar Bhaban, Gulshan. The proposals are:

14686077_10154715554948117_1400003517_n-1Allocation of 10% quota for women entrepreneurs in each DCC market.

  • Arrange holiday market for women entrepreneurs at Friday/Sunday in their free space in each DCC market
  • Establish women market

In this regards, Honorable Mayor Mr. Annisul Huq praised the proposal for allocation of 10% market quota for women entrepreneurs as a positive idea. He assured that in future they will keep the idea in their consideration during the new market establishment.

BWCCI believe that women’s economical empowerment will be enhanced and women entrepreneurs would be able to contribute more in the country’s overall development if these proposals are included in the respective policies.


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