Will recent changes in legislation convince Bangladeshis to buy locally sourced motorcycles? Carmudi, the best way to sell or buy your vehicle online, analyzed hundreds of thousands of its listings and browsing data, in order to find where in Asia motorcycles rule over four-wheeled vehicles, and which brands dominate in the search for the perfect motorcycle.
Motorcycles comprise 27% of Carmudi global listings, the majority of which are located in Asia. Currently, only 14% of offers on Carmudi BD are motorcycles. However, Bangladesh has a population of over 156 million, much larger than many of its South and Southeast Asian neighbors, sometimes even combined. This means that a smaller percentage of listings still makes for significant potential in two-wheeled vehicles sales.
Those shoppers interested in the motorcycle option on carmudi.com.bd, visit Japanese-made Yamaha models the most. Suzuki gets a staggering 350,000 page hits with the most popular model being bikes FZ-S and Fazer. Bajaj Pulsar, an Indian make, is the second most popular bike.
Local interest in motorcycles is sure to be affected by the recent changes in the Bangladeshi government budget. These included raising duty fees on imported Completely-Knocked-Down (CKD) Motorcycles, which are imported in parts and re-assembled while inside the country for a competitive price.
This move can be seen as an incentive to inspire and protect domestic bike manufacturing. Local groups like Walton, Runner and Jamuna predict being able to claim up to 50% of the market share in the next three years, as they move into producing locally sourced bikes for Bangladeshi customers. It remains to be seen if Bangladeshis will be inspired by local makes and brands.
Carmudi was founded in 2013 and is currently available in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and Zambia. The vehicle marketplace offers buyers, sellers and car dealers the ideal platform to find cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles online.