BIAC provides certificates to trainees in India

Following a five daylong training programme on mediation and negotiation held in India, a meet & greet session was recently organized with a small certificate giving ceremony at the Bangladesh International Arbitration Center (BIAC) Secretariat office.

A five-day–long training programme on “International, Cross Cultural, Civil and Commercial Mediation and Negotiation” was organized jointly by Bangladesh International Arbitration PhotoCentre (BIAC) and Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA); under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs from March 25-29, 2018 in Delhi, India. The training programme was inaugurated by Gyaneshwar Kumar Singh, Director General and Chief Executive Officer of IICA. Mahbubur Rahman, Chairman, BIAC and Muhammad A. Rumee Ali, CEO of BIAC were also present in the inauguration ceremony of the training programme. Thirty-one participants from Government organization, Banks, Corporate and legal practitioners of Bangladesh participated in the above-mentioned training.

The result was sent to BIAC by IICA on 16 June 2018. All participants have successfully completed the training with good score and have qualified to apply to become a Mediator of BIAC. Fifteen out of thirty one participants, including representatives from Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, City Bank, IDCOL and the legal fraternity were present in the meet & greet session and received certificates of successful completion of the training from BIAC. Besides, a discussion on BIAC’s plan to initiate Membership of BIAC was also held during the session.

Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) has been established for capacity building and training in various subjects related to corporate regulation and governance. The Institute has also established specialized Centers of Excellence in various areas such as Business Innovation, e-Governance, Corporate Governance and Corporate Law and Regulation.

BIAC is the first Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) institution of the country and it aims to embed the use of ADR as a commercial best practice to help creation of an eco-system that fosters investment and is conducive to business.

In May 2018, BIAC has supported two international events; namely, the “Asia ADR Week 2018” organized by Asian International Arbitration Center (AIAC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and the “First International ADR Conference” organized by Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) in Bangkok, Thailand. Twenty-seven participants of Bangladesh from government institutions, banks and law practitioners attended these events guided by BIAC officials.


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