Call to implement vested property judgment

The National Citizen Coordination Cell for Enforcement of Vested Property Return Act today called for immediate implementation of the verdict given by the Vested Property Return Appeal Tribunal.

The coordination cell, an alliance of nine organisations, made the demand at a press conference held at the Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU).

“The government has enacted ‘Vested Property Return (amendment) Act, 2011 in the parliament on December 11 in 2011 as demanded by the minority community, victims and Sultana Kamalcitizens of the country, but the sufferers so far did not get any benefit from the act”, said former Advisor to the caretaker government Advocate Sultana Kamal.

Executive Director of Association for Land Reform and Development (ALRD) Shamsul Huda told the press conference although the land ministry as per the ‘vested property return (second amendment) act, 2013’ has issued a circular to dispose of the appeal of the land owners under the schedule of ‘Kha’ on April 12, 2016, it is unfortunate that the ministry has also issued another circular keeping all in the dark on the same date which included the land under ‘ka’ schedule and issued an amendment gazette in this regard.

Although there is a clear directive by the Prime Minister, how the land ministry issued a fresh directive in the name of ‘dropped list’ under schedule ‘ka’, Huda wondered.

Leaders from the coordination cell including Arpita Sampatti Ain Pratirodh Andolan general secretary Subrata Chowdhury, Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Oikya Parishad general secretary Advocate Rana Dasgupta and noted journalist and Arpita Sampatti Ain Pratirodh Andolon President Kamal Lohani, among others, also spoke on the occasion.



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