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Bangladesh imports US corn

In a historic turn of events, Bangladesh recently purchased almost 100,000 metric tons (3.9 million bushels) of U.S. corn, the largest quantity purchased by the country since 1989 when the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Global Agricultural Trade System (GATS) first began recording sales. These sales are directly attributable to U.S. Grains Council (USGC) programming and educational activities to inform Bangladeshi buyers of the current market situation. The Council has been very active and engaged in Bangladesh for the past two years, including bringing a strong bd-us...
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Frontier markets: A second look at Bangladesh

Much has been written over the past few months about Bangladesh and none of it has been very complimentary. So I felt it was time again to revisit that country and see if any progress had been made on the economic front. Initially, I was pleased to read a report on the Asian Development Bank’s website indicating that the economic growth forecast for 2015 is 6.1% and 6.4% in 2016. Those indeed are very good numbers, considering that the main revenue-marketproducing element is the service sector and in particular the textile industry. Recently, however, the...

Tata ‘ULTRA’ range trucks launched in Bangladesh

Tata Motors, the largest automobile manufacturer in India, on Wednesday launched its next-generation range of ‘Ultra’ commercial vehicles in Bangladesh. The ‘Ultra’ range of trucks ranges from 7 to 16 tonnes in payload capacity and engine size from 120 hp to 170 hp. In Bangladesh, Tata Motors has launched the ULTRA 812 and ULTRA 912 in tata motorsthe Cargo segment. The driveline of the ULTRA 812 & 912 launched today, has the TATA 497 TCIC engine, with an output of 125 HP, a new-generation transmission with aluminum casing - the G-550 overdri...

Underwater graveyard full of WWII planes is otherworldly

For 70 years, World War II planes have been resting in peace at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Although divers have enjoyed exploring the underwater graveyard since the 1960s, Brandi Mueller's photos allow us to admire these treasures without a wetsuit. "I find diving [to see] the airplanes really exciting," Mueller, a scuba diving instructor and boat captain, told Mashable. "It's a strange thing to see airplanes underwater. Shipwrecks you expect, but not airplanes." The planes didn't actually crash at this particular location near the Marshall Islands, though. They were discarded there after WWII because it was too expensive to transport them back to the United States from the Kwajalein Atoll, according to Mueller. The site includes Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers, F4U Co...

Dollar stable against taka, hit record low against yen  

It was a busy week for central banks around the world, with monetary policy meetings in the US, NZ and Japan. This made for a very interesting end to the week for the FX markets as investors digested the deluge of information coming from policymakers. Market observers say the lingering impact of these game-changing meetings, and possibility of fireworks in this week’s policy meeting in Europe as well, may continue to influence investor sentiment for some time to come as the market reassesses prior assumptions about the trajectory of monetary policy in these countries. dollar

Ukraine crisis: Obama urges Putin to pursue diplomacy

US President Barack Obama has urged President Vladimir Putin to seek a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Ukraine, in a lengthy telephone call. In their hour-long conversation, the Russian leader said Moscow-Washington relations should not suffer. Russian troops have taken de facto control of Crimea following the fall of Ukraine's pro-Moscow president. article-2418401-1BC51D6C000005DC-203_634x448The crisis has led to a boycott by many foreign dignitaries of the So...
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