CIPFA innovative training partnership in Bangladesh  

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) launched a new training partnership with LCBS Dhaka, a major training provider in Dhaka on Wednesday.

The partnership, founded at a special ceremony in Bangladesh’s capital, continues the growth of CIPFA’s international public financial management training provision.

Guest speakers at the event included the British High Commissioner to Bangladesh, Robert W Gibson, the CEO of LCBS Dhaka, M AKalam and chief guest, the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh, Masud Ahmed. Mr Ahmed was also elected as an honorary member of CIPFA at the event, in recognition of his ongoing commitment to improving public financial management.

_MG_6518The CIPFA partnership with LCBS Dhaka will allow accountancy students in Bangladesh to study for CIPFA’s professional qualification in International Public Financial Management, the only accountancy qualification based upon International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). This qualificationgivesstudents from across the world the opportunity to achieve Chartered Public Finance Accountant status.

CIPFA has a long and proud history of championing good public financial managementand bringing public finance professionals together across the world. Set and supported by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), IPSAS are designed to improve government transparency and accountability and allow for greater comparability between countries and public sector bodies.

Speaking at the launch, CIPFA’s Education & Training Director, Dr Adrian Pulham, said:

“The launch of this new partnership is a significant contribution to the stability of public finances in Bangladesh and ensures specialist training for Government and public sector staff in good public financial management.

“It demonstrates how CIPFA’s continued international growth is helping to ensure that the next generation of public sector managers across the world have the skills and expertise necessary to effectively lead and manage their country’s public services.

“This new partnership with LCBS Dhaka is yet another great example of CIPFAs work to strengthen the accountancy profession and accountancy standards around the world”

LCBS’s Chief Executive, M AKalam, said, “We are proud that LCBS Dhaka has been awarded Accredited Training Partner (ATP) status to conduct training and tuition programs for CIPFA qualifications locally.

“Today’s launch is a milestone for both parties and is the first of its kind. I hope that LCBS Dhaka, being the first global ATP, will be a role model for all future ATPs established elsewhere and wish this new CIPFA ATP scheme great success.”


CIPFA, the Chartered Institute of PublicFinance and Accountancy, is the professional body for people in public finance. Our 14,000 members work throughout the public services, in national audit agencies, in major accountancy firms, and in other bodies where public money needs to be effectively and efficiently managed. As the world’s only professional accountancy body to specialise in public services, CIPFA’s portfolio of qualifications are the foundation for a career in public finance. They include the benchmark professional qualification for public sector accountants as well as a postgraduate diploma for people already working in leadership positions.They are taught by our in-house CIPFA Education and Training Centre as well as other places of learning around the world. We also champion high performance in public services, translating our experience and insight into clear advice and practical services. They include information and guidance, courses and conferences, property and asset management solutions, consultancy and interim people for a range of public sector clients.Globally, CIPFA shows the way in public finance by standing up for sound public financial management and good governance. We work with donors, partner governments, accountancy bodies and the public sector around the world to advance public finance and support better public services.This includes the development of local professional qualifications in African countries like Lesotho and Nigeria and in Europe, as well as post conflict states and the Balkans.

About LCBS

LCBS is a pioneer in offering professional services to the marketing and finance industries. From the beginning LCBS Dhaka Ltd has been working to deliver high – quality education and service.

LCBS Dhaka Ltd has set their ethical culture and framework through this vital objective. As a result LCBS Dhaka Ltd provides a distinctive learning environment that actively engages students, faculty, and the business community in developing knowledge and skills relevant to success in a complex, global economy.

The success of LCBS lies in ensuring success at examinations and providing students with a holistic approach to learning by guaranteeing excellence at all examinations. This is through classes that ensure personalised attention and care for every student, a comprehensive coverage and revision plan, a flexible course structure, outstanding teaching facilities, all approved publisher’s materials, and modern teaching methods.

The high pass rates consistently maintained by the institute speak of the high standards of education and the quality of service. With unparalleled dedication and commitment to uplift the standards of business education in Bangladesh, LCBS Dhaka Ltd will continue to serve the community.


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