Days after school shooting, gun group holds convention in Texas

Just a few days after a lone teenage gunman entered Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and killed 19 children and two teachers, the National Rifle Association will proceed with opening its annual convention on Friday in Houston. This comes just days after the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde.

On Friday, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott planned to make a personal appearance at the conference to give an in-person message; however, he has decided not to make the presentation and instead fly to Uvalde.

However, former President of the United States Donald Trump is still set to give a speech at the three-day event that the gun rights lobbying organisation is hosting.

The police in Texas are being grilled on their actions, and the amount of time it took them to rush to the high school and face the shooter, who was identified as 18-year-old Salvador Ramos. Officials indicate that Ramos, who had dropped out of high school, was at Robb Elementary School for forty minutes to an hour before police stormed the fourth-grade classroom where he had slain twenty-one individuals.

Parents of the children trapped in the school, situated in a residential neighbourhood, onlookers who had gathered at the school at midday on Tuesday are said to have yelled at the police to enter the school and end the bloodshed. Witnesses have confirmed this information.

Juan Caranza, 24, was a witness outside the school who watched a scene from the front porch of his home across the street; he stated that women were heard yelling at the police to “Go in there!” Proceed in there!

Thursday, police provided further details on the events leading up to the shooting. In a statement that contradicts previous accounts, Victor Escalon, a regional director for the Texas Department of Public Safety, claimed that Ramos entered the facility via an unlocked door and did not come into contact with a school safety officer.
On Thursday, students from schools and universities around the United States engaged in strikes and protests on their campuses to demand stricter gun control legislation.

According to the White House, Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, will go to Texas on Sunday to share their condolences with the local community.


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