Dhaka streets under free wifi

Alongside with beautifying the city for the 20-20 world cup,we will be getting with free WiFi on the streets of capital. A 3km road from Jahangir Gate to Banani.


The responsibility of beautifying this road is on Vinyle Wold. They have arranged for anyone crossing the road to have 5 Mbps speed of internet. The project is funded by Vinyl World themselves.

The idea of the WiFi service is to serve people when they are stuck in traffic. While stuck, people can easily use WiFi.

According to Abed Mansur, the director of the company said, “ We got the job of face lifting the street. Later we planned to add Wifi to it. People can use Wifi on the roads. We have already contacted different operators regarding this.”

This road dividers of this 3 km street will have 64 murals. These murals will have our histry as well as our star children. 15 historical events including Language Movement of ’52, Six Point of ’66, Revolution of ’69, Liberation War of ’71, Surviving Everest will be placed on marble stones.

Source : Priyo


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