Discussion on strategic business planning in CSE

Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd, as part of its Business Development move, organized a discussion on Strategic Business Planning with its Shareholders at the conference hall of its Dhaka office this evening. CSE’s Dhaka based TREC Holders were present on the occasion.

The session was chaired by The Managing Director of CSE Mr. M. Shaifur Rahman Majumdar, FCA, FCMA. He presented the key note paper which covered the recent trading performance DSC00354and trading participation status of CSE TREC Holders. CSE MD, in his presentation, comprehensively narrated the post demutualization business dynamics of CSE and the next course of action to cope with this changing scenario. Existing Leaders at the program stressed on the productive relationship management with the regulators and other stakeholders for sustainable growth of the exchange. Shareholders of CSE came up with some pragmatic business ideas as well.

After the key note presentation and subsequent floor discussion, the program was called close by the session Chair who wholeheartedly thanked all the presences for managing time to come and share their thoughts on CSE’s Business Development initiatives. Among others, CSE Senior officials were present at the program.



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