Fashion Revolution Day commemorates Rana Plaza    

Events for Fashion Revolution Day, including documentary screenings, sustainable fashion shows, debates and pop-up ethical fashion stores, will be held worldwide tomorrow, marking the one year anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh, which killed more than 1100 people, mostly garment workers.

Set to be held annually on 24 April, the first Fashion Revolution Day will have the theme of ‘Who Made Your Clothes?’ and participants at events across the world are encouraged to wear their clothes inside-out and share images of them doing so on social media, aiming to initiate conversations about where and who by clothing is manufactured.

ranaplaza‘Meet your Maker’ events in Bangladesh will include presentations from designers, manufacturers, and corporate social responsibility specialists, whilst an open factory at London’s Fashion Enter will showcase its production facilities.

Ecotextile News will attend People Tree Foundation’s Fair Fashion in Bangladesh event, where panellists Aminul Haque, President of the National Garment Worker’s Federation, Safia Minney, People Tree founder and CEO, fashion commentator Caryn Franklin, John Hilary, War on Want, and journalists Lucy Siegle and Liz Jones will share garment industry stories and discuss what ‘fair fashion’ means for Bangladesh.

Fashion Revolution Day Co-founder Orsola de Castro said: “With one simple gesture, we want you to ask: ‘Who Made Your Clothes?’ this action will encourage people to imagine the ‘thread’ from the garment to the machinist that sewed it and all the way down to the farmer that grew the cotton it was made from. We hope that Fashion Revolution Day will initiate a process of discovery, raising awareness of the fact that buying is only the last step in a long journey involving hundreds of people: the invisible workforce behind the clothes we wear.”


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