Govt plotting judicial murder on key opposition leaders: HRDB

Human rights and Development for Bangladesh (HRDB) organized a press conference at the National Press Club in WashingtonDC here on Tuesday that alleged political persecution of key opposition leaders in Bangladesh by government led by Sheikh Hasina.

ICT-logoTaking part in the briefing, Dr M Nakibur Rahman, son of one of the key opposition leader Motiur Rahman Nizami, alleged that the government has set the stage to judicially kill his father. Prime-minister Shaikh Hasina is directly involved in forcing/bribing key witness to testify against him.  Dr Rahman said that the show trial must be stopped immediately and the international community needs to speak up publicly against this trial. An internationally supervised tribunal is the only way to bring justice to the victims of the 1971 war.

Also present in the briefing director of operations IVS-Tactical Truth system Capt. (retd) John P Slater, said; “To be perfectly clear, the “Bangladesh War Crimes Trial Exposed” video that is suspected of being Shamsul Huq Nannu (a defense witness who was caught saying Prime minister and secret service forced and bribed him to testify against Nizami) is defined with 99.9% accuracy of being the voice of Shamsul Hug Nannu.”

Slater also said that he conducted voice stress analysis on six audio/video tapes from the final press conference and found that Nannu was being untruthful when he claimed that another person made the statements claiming his testimony was coerced. This conclusion is to a certainty of between 90 and 98%.

Slater said Nannu was being truthful when he said Sheikh Hasina instructed him to testify and promised to “reward” him. Nannu was being truthful when he said he was offered a 140 million taka loan from ADB in exchange for his testimony. Nannu was being truthful when he said charges against Nizami, were fabricated by government investigators.

Answering a question Capt. (retd) John P. Slater said the trial process can’t be fair given his analysis result on one key defense witness.



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