Hindu Bangladeshis illegally entering Assam since 1971

At a time when various organisations are protesting against the settlement of Hindu migrants from Bangladesh in Assam under the Citizenship Act, the Centre has declared that Hindu migrants have been entering the state even after March 25, 1971.

According to a written statement by the Center, Hindu Bangladeshis have been illegally india-bangladesh-flag_0entering the state since March 25, 1971. It is a proof that the Center has vowed to shelter the religious migrants from Bangladesh even by amending the Indian constitution.

After hearing the petition by Pranab Kumar Mazumdar, the Supreme Court asked the Center to clear its stand regarding Hindu migrants.

According to the 4th section of the affidavit submitted by the Central government regarding settlements of Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Jain, Parsee and Buddhist religious minorities from Bangladesh and Pakistan, a huge number of Hindu migrants have come to Assam after 25 March 1971 from Bangladesh.

The Center informed that Supreme Court has full responsibility in establishing the migrants from other countries according to the Foreigners Act.

It may be noted here that AASU, KMSS, AJYCP and various other indigenous organizations are constantly opposing the Center’s decision to shelter the religious migrants from Bangladesh.

-Northeast Tody


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