Yousif Abdullah Al Rajhi has been re-elected and M. Azizul Huq has been elected vice-chairmen of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited. Besides, Executive Committee, Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee of the bank have been reformed with Prof. Syed Ahsanul Alam, Helal Ahmed Chowdhury and Md. Abdul Mabud, PPM as chairmen respectively.
Azizul Huq
Azizul Huq is Vice-Chairman and Independent Director of Islami Bank. He was first executive president (CEO) of the bank. He was the first CEO of Social Islami Bank Limited, Islamic Finance and Investment Limited. He is Chairman, Executive Committee of the Central Shariah Board for Islamic Banks in Bangladesh. He has been serving City Bank, Pubali Bank and Bank Asia and other Islamic Banks and Institutions as Islamic banking consultant. He was the Principal of Sonali Bank Staff College. He served, National Bank of Pakistan and Habib Bank in various capacities. He taught Islamic Banking and Economics in different universities including Dhaka University, Malaysia Islamic University and Central University of UK. He obtained Master’s degree in Economics from Dhaka University.
Prof. Syed Ahsanul Alam
Prof. Syed Ahsanul Alam is Chairman, Executive Committee and Independent Director of the Bank. Banking, Investment and Insurance expert, Syed Ahsanul Alam is the senior professor in Marketing of Chittagong University and Former Chairman of the department. He served as director of Sadharan Bima Corporation and Rupali Bank Limited. He is chairperson of Bureau of Investment & Economic Research and director of Chittagong Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He is civil sponsor of Defence Service Command and Staff College and member (AC) of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University. Besides, he is associated with various social and professional organizations. Prof. Alam received training on ICT and business administration from different universities of the world including Malaysia and the United States. Obtained Masters and Mphil degrees from Chittagong & Rajshahi Universities, he has been teaching Business Administration in various universities and institutions.
Helal Ahmed Chowdhury
Helal Ahmed Chowdhury is Chairman, Audit Committee and Independent Director of Islami Bank. He was Managing Director & CEO of Pubali Bank Limited for nine-year tenure during 2006-2014. After completion of Masters degree, he joined at Pubali Bank in 1977 as first class officer through Superior Service Examination, served in different capacities and promoted as its CEO which is a rare event. Under his dynamic leadership Pubali Bank became a role-model bank. Experienced of about four decades in banking, Helal Ahmed Chowdhury is currently working as Supernumerary Professor of Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management. He is a Diplomaed Associate of IBB. He completed foundation course at Sonali Bank London and the then BCCI during 1986-87. He attended many short and long courses at home and abroad in different universities including Oxford and Cambridge of UK, UC Berkerley and Columbia University, USA. He joined at different trade delegations abroad. He was vice-chairman of ABB and now associated with it.
Md. Abdul Mabud PPM
Md. Abdul Mabud, PPM is Chairman of Risk Management Committee and Independent Director of Islami Bank. He was Additional Inspector General of Bangladesh Police and Director General of the Immigration and Passport Department. He fought in the liberation war in 1971. He served in the police department in various capacities since 1973. For outstanding professional contribution, he achieved several awards including the President’s Police Medal 2000. He is a member of the Bangladesh Economic Association and a life member of Bangladesh Cancer Society. He obtained Graduation in Economics and participated in different seminar and training in home and abroad.