IBFB denounces attacks on Gulshan cafe

International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB) expresses deep shocks and saddens by the dreadful, horror and inhuman terrorist attacks over the innocent and unarmed Bangladeshi and Foreign Citizens at the Holey Artisan Bakery at Gulshan, Dhaka on 1st July 2016.

IBFB deeply mourns over the barbarous keeling and death of 20 innocent human beings, and earnestly pray that their dedicated departed souls may rest in eternal peace.

IBFB most humbly conveys its deepest condolences to the bereaved family members and Dhaka Attackearnestly prays to the “Creator” to give them strength and patience to bear their unbearable pains and irreparable losses.

IBFB strongly feels that such an insane and heinous attack over the innocent civilians is absolutely an activity of terrorism and extremism, and also against the divine spirits of all religions in the world.

IBFB strongly believes that this type of heinous activity in our country will seriously affect the investment climate, especially Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), tourism, bilateral trade relationship with different foreign countries and eventually on overall economic development of Bangladesh, which in turn will hamper our targets of achieving Vision 2021. Such terrorist activities will also have adverse effects on our images of social harmony and integrity in Bangladesh.

In order to resist the rises of such terrorism and militancy in the soils of our beloved country and uphold our long cherished social harmony, IBFB strongly calls for waging socio-cultural movements all around the country by engaging people of all classes of the society including the business community.

IBFB strongly urges the Government to ensure adequate safety and security to all civilians, especially our foreigner friends, and at the same time take stringent all-out measures immediately to fully destroy the existence and rise of such extremism in Bangladesh. In addition, the sources of financing of extremism, channels of fund transactions, the masterminds provoking and misguiding the young generations in fulfilling their heinous interests in Bangladesh etc. should be immediately identified and taken into task. IBFB assures its continuous services, supports and cooperation with the Government in combating and resisting all sorts of terrorism and militancy in the country.


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