International Youth Day (IYD) 2020 observed

On the occasion of International Youth Day (IYD), recently JAAGO Foundation hosted a day-long series of webinars on Youth in Leadership, in Innovation, in Policy Engagement, in Crisis Management, in Entrepreneurship and in Art & Culture.

6 different sessions were organized to promote youth empowerment in the development of Bangladesh. Day-long event was attended by Mr. Nahim Razzaq, Member of Parliament (MP), Sonia Bashir Kabir, Founder, SBK Foundation;  Mr.Mominul Islam, Managing Director & CEO IPDC Finance; Farah Kabir, Country Director, Actionaid Bangladesh; Mr. Hussain Elius, Cofounder of Pathao, Ayman Sadiq, Founder & CEO, Robi 10 Minute School and Mr. Korvi Rakshand, Founder & Executive Director- JAAGO Foundation and others.

This year the theme of International Youth Day 2020, “Youth Engagement for Global Action” seeks to highlight the ways in which the engagement of young people at the local, national and global levels is enriching national and multilateral institutions and processes, as well as draw lessons on how their representation and engagement in formal institutional politics can be significantly enhanced.

On this occasion, Mr. Nahim Razzaq, Member of Parliament (MP) spoke about how to overcome and learn from failures. He said that the young generation needs to be familiarized with government practices and placing them with internships so that they can be more skilled to be part of social changes. He also mentioned how the youth of the country showed immense courage by distributing relief without caring about their own safety.

Shah Ali Farhad, Special Assistant to the Honourable Prime Minister opined that engaging with Youth will help us to understand them better and communicating with them will help us to know their views and make them involved in more humanitarian causes.

Mr. Korvi Rakshand, Founder & Executive Director- JAAGO Foundation said, the youth have always played a vital role and are always the first responders in times of need. They are the changemakers and nation builders. Currently, 50% of our population is under the age of 25 and this will reach 70% by 2030. It’s high time we equip these young minds, or else we won’t have a better Bangladesh tomorrow. We at JAAGO Foundation, celebrate the International Youth Day every year. This time around, due to the risk of health issues in social gatherings and in field activation, we have planned to celebrate this by hosting a series of webinars covering different aspects of social development and these will be enlightened with the participation of enthusiastic youths and renowned personalities from all over the country.

Summit, Bangladesh’s largest infrastructure conglomerate, was the key supporter of the event, whereas IPDC, Annisul Huq Foundation, SBK Foundation, Kludio and Bongo were the webinar partners.


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