Int’l seminar on symbiotic fungi at JU June 20

The Microbiology Department of Jahangirnagar University is going to arrange an International Seminar on “Symbiotic fungi and bacteria in arthropod vectors as a tool for disease control” here on campus on 20 June.

page1Dr. Sara Epis, Elena Martin and Dr. Massimo Pajoro, Department Veterinary Science and Public Health, University of Milan will be delivered their valuable speeches as speakers while JU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Farzana Islam will be present as chief guest.

Around at 3.00 pm, the function will be started by inaugural speech of Prof. Dr. Md. Anowar Khasru Parvez, the convener of the programme, said a press release.

Among others, Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Hossain, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Abul Khair, Treasurer, Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabber Howlader, Dean, Faculty of Biological Sciences; Jahangirnagar University will be present as special guests.

Prof. Dr. Ali Azam Talukder, Chairman, Department of Microbiology will be the chair of the session.

– Assad, JU Correspondent.


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