ISD orchestrates ‘Back to school: Meet Our Teachers’ event

International School Dhaka (ISD) has recently arranged online events for the students and parents called, ‘Back to School: Meet Our Teachers.’ The events were organized by both ISD Primary and Secondary Schools.

This online events provided the parents with opportunities to meet and learn about their children’s teachers, receive an overview of each class, and ask questions.

Parents are a crucial partner of the school in providing education to the young population. The events created a new prospect of sharing information with the parents and strengthening the communication between them and the teachers. The online events allowed the guardians to attend the meeting from the comfort of their homes without worrying about either traffic or getting exposed to the virus.

The event took place through Zoom and Google Meet. The teachers sent the invitation to the students, and the parents were encouraged to meet the instructors along with their children.

On this occasion, Chris Boyle, Secondary Principal, International School Dhaka, said, “Parents are incredibly important partners with teachers in the education of their child and research shows that parents who are highly involved in their child’s education have numerous positive outcomes including increased motivation and improved academic performance. These events brought parents, students, and teachers together to build community, develop a common understanding of ISD’s rigorous curriculum and skill development, and allow parents to ask questions. While visiting online Back to School sessions I saw many smiling faces and heard from countless appreciative parents who shared how much their sons and daughters were enjoying their lessons, despite the challenges of online learning.”


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