Jamuna Bank’s scholarship, anti-drug program

With the initiative and financed by Jamuna Bank Foundation, a “scholarship giving ceremony to unprivileged and autistic but meritorious students & the children of employees of the Jamuna Bank who have got GPA-5 in SSC and Dakhil in 2016” and a Seminar on “Severity of Narcotics and our Responsibilities for combating it” organized  at IDEB, Dhaka recently.

PRAl-Haj Nur Mohammed, Chairman, Jamuna Bank Foundation & Chairman of the Executive committee of the board graced the occasion as Chief Guest and presented scholarships to 93 students. Shafiqul Alam, Managing Director & CEO, Jamuna Bank Limited presided over the ceremony, Deputy Managing Director of the Bank Mirza Elias Uddin Ahmed, A.K.M. Saifuddin Ahamed and Md. Habibur Rahman were also present in the program as special guest.

Besides, Executives, Officers and Staffs of Dhaka Regional were present in the Seminar.


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