Meeting of the executive parliament of AL will be held toady

The Awami League Central Executive Parliament meeting today may result in a number of decisions, including the organisation of the party’s national conference. The meeting will take place in the Prime Minister’s official house, Ganobhaban, at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Through this meeting, all of the Central Committee’s leaders will get the chance to meet with President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for the first time in five and a half months. The most recent meeting of the Awami League Central Executive Parliament took place on November 19, 2016, at Ganobhaban, Bangladesh. It was agreed at the meeting that Jahangir Alam, the General Secretary of the Gazipur Metropolitan Awami League, would be expelled from the party. As a result of his expulsion, Jahangir Alam was also forced to resign from his position as mayor of the Gazipur City Corporation. Awami League Central Executive Parliament leaders were not all summoned to Ganobhaban because of a coronavirus outbreak, despite the fact that the meeting was very essential to the organisation.

“The tenure of this (current) committee will come to an end on December 20th, this year,” Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader recently said. As has always been the case with the organization, the Awami League will hold a news conference in December, as has always been the case. The meeting could also decide on a number of important organisational issues, such as how to prepare for the upcoming parliamentary elections, how to spend the next few days, which will include the party’s founding anniversary and discussions on current national and international issues, who will be the central leaders, and who will be the new president.


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