Nation honoring May Day Today 

Today is May Day, which is a national holiday in the United States. The day is a day of bloodshed in the name of the rights of working-class people. The workers sacrificed blood on this day in 1861 to put an end to the years of misery and exploitation that they had endured. Throughout history, this day of workers’ sacrifice for the rights of working people has been observed as “May Day” in countries all over the globe.

Photo: Ibnul Hasan

At this year’s May Day commemoration, the subject is “Worker-Owner Unity, Assurance of Development.” On the occasion of the historic May Day, the President delivered a speech. Abdul Hamid and Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina have each made different remarks.

Abdul Hamid expressed his heartfelt greetings and congratulations to all working people around the world, including those in Bangladesh, on the occasion of International Workers’ Day and noted that Bangladesh’s Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, has always fought for the rights of the working people. He was a strong supporter of the working class. Following independence, May Day was officially recognised by the state, and the Father of the Nation made May Day a public holiday.


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