Nouman receives Gusi Peace Prize

The Bangladeshi rights activist, AHM Nouman has received the Gusi Peace Prize International Award- 2013 in recognition to his contribution to poverty alleviation and humanitarianism.

Gusi Peace Prize Foundation, an Asian foremost prize giving body based in Manila, gave the award. A total of 17 dignitaries with international repute including President, Former Prime Ministers and Saudi Prince were honoured with the prestigious award at the 12th award giving ceremony at the Philippines International Convention Centre (PICC) on Wednesday.

Nouman, secretary general and founder of Development Alternative of the Rural Poor (DORP), a national NGO, introduced maternity allowance in 2005 for poor mothers in Bangladesh. Encouraged by its success, the government is now implementing it across the country to cut poverty, reports BSS.

NomanHe is also the promoter of maternity allowance centered 20- year generation plan titled Social Assistance Program for Non- Asseters (SAPNA) that aims at poverty alleviation.

Chairman of Gusi Peace Prize Intl Bari S Gusi handed over the award among the laureates. The US Senator Emanuel Jones, Chairperson for Charity and Medical Missions of the Gusi peace Prize Dr Evelyn Tantamco Gusi, past laureates, members of Gusi peace Prize board of trustee spoke on the occasion. Bangladesh Ambassador in Philippines Major General (retd) John Gomes also attended it.

His Excellency President Rajkeswur Purryag of Mauritius in statesmanship, His Royal Highness Prince Bandar Bin Khalid Al Faisal Al Saud of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in social science and humanitarianism, Ex-president Arnold Ruutel of Estonia in statesmanship, former Prime Minister Al-Saddig Abdel Rahman Al- Mahdi of Sudan in statesmanship, former President Prof Dr Emil Constantinescu of Romania in statesmanship, and US, Russia, France, Syria, Turkey and the Philippines are among the laureates.

At the outset of the ceremony, which was attended by around 5,000 invitees, one minute silence was observed in memory of the typhoon Haiyan victims. They also expressed deep shock at the deaths and conveyed sympathy to the bereaved family members.

Speaking on the occasion, Mauritious President Rajkeswur Purryag said, ‘Promotion of global peace key to promotion of social justice. Establishing the world peace is impossible without benefiting the common people, he said.

“We all should work in a coordinated manner to prevent any conflict in Africa.domestic or internal conflict or conflicts of two nations.conflict anywhere whether in Asia, Europe or west,” said the President.

Sudanese former Prime Minister Al-Saddig Abdel Rahman Al- Mahdi of Sudan said five basic of human rights — human dignity, justice, freedom, food and peace have clearly been stipulated in the Islam back in centuries ago. “We all may join for better world to establish justice on the basis of human rights,” he said.

US Senator Emanuel Jones described peace as social justice and freedom and said peace is satisfying the basic needs of food for all mankind on the globe. He called upon the laureates to work hand in hand to make the world a better place. “Let us fight against social injustice, conflict and humiliation.”

AHM Nouman said, “Mother should be given priority in a country’s development process..empowered mothers can lead a country towards peace, progress and economic emancipation.”

The Gusi Peace Prize Intl recognizes individuals worldwide who have exemplary contributions in the fields of peace, human rights, poverty alleviation, politics, history, economics, statesmanship, architecture, research and diplomacy.

The Prize is mandated by presidential Proclamation no-1476 signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, declaring every fourth Wednesday of November as the ‘Gusi Peace Prize International Friendship Day’.


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