NRBC Bank celebrates its 3rd anniversary

NRBC Bank has celebrated its 3rd Anniversary Celebrations at the Bangbandu International Conference Centre on April 18, 2016, Monday. The Finance minister Mr. Abul Mall Abdul Muhitwas the chief guest the program.

The programme was attended among, others by the Chairman of the Bank Engr. Farasath Ali, Vice Chairmen Dr. Toufique Rahman Chowdhury, Board of Directors and Managing Director & 3rd Anniversary 2016CEO Dewan Mujibur Rahman. In its 3rd Anniversary of NRBC Bank awarded Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid,MP, for his contribution in education sector, Border Guard of Bangladesh for his contribution movement in Liberation Ware, Ms. Selina Hossain for his contribution in Literature, Bangladesh Police for his contribution movement in Liberation Ware, Mr. Khandhaker Ibrahim Khaled for his contribution in Economic and Banking and Dr. Shamanta Lal Sen for his contribution in Humanity Services for the year 2015 and 2014 respectively.


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