NRBC Bank, Hotel Graver Inn ink deal

An agreement was recently signed between NRBC Bank and Hotel Graver Inn International. Mr. Kazi Safayet Kabir, Senior Vice President & Head of ADC of NRBC Bank and Dr. S K Mogol Jan Rahman, Managing Director of Hotel Graver Inn International signed the agreement on behalf of their respective sides.

Hotel--Graver-Inn_1As per the agreement all directors, executives and card holders of NRBC Bank will enjoy special discounts on accommodation and dining at the hotel.

Besides, Mr. Md. Shafiet Wahed, Deputy Managing Director; Mr. Kazi Md. Talha, Deputy Managing Director; Mr. Md. Rafiquzzaman, Executive Vice President; Mr. Harun or Rashid, SVP & CFO, Mr. Dipak Kumar Cakraborty, Senior Vice President and other officials of NRBC Bank and Hotel Graver Inn  International were also present at the signing ceremony.


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