Quiz competition on life and works of Bangabandhu at SEU

Southeast University organized “Intra University Online Quiz Competition on Life and Works of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman” on 19 November 2020.

The prize giving ceremony was held on 26 November 2020 at SEU Seminar Hall, Banani, Dhaka. The initiative was taken to mark the centenary of the birth of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. There were five winners selected by the esteemed Judges.

Ms. Madiha Khan, Chairperson, Department of Economics gave the welcome speech while Prof. Dr. AFM Mafizul Islam, Vice Chancellor of Southeast University, was present as the Chief Guest. Prof. Dr. ANM Meshquat Uddin, Adviser, BoT delivered his speech as the Special Guest. Thereafter guests awarded the winners with certificates of achievement and prizes. Among others, Maj Gen Kazi Fakhurddin Ahmed (Retd.), Registrar, Deans, Chairmen, teachers, officials and students were present in the prize given ceremony.



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