RU students protest mismanagement, substandard dining in halls

The residential students of Ziaur Rahman, Shamsuzzoha and Nawab Abdul latif halls at RajshahiUniversity on Tuesday went on demonstration protesting mismanagements in halls and to enhance food quality of the hall dining.

They also demanded immediate resignation of the three respective hall’s provost for their negligence in performing duties.

ruWitnesses said, “around 11:ooam the agitate students of Ziaur Rahman hall brought out a demonstration inside the hall and chanted slogans gathering in front of the office of the hall provost Prof Narayan Roy in protest at his negligence of duties and demanding proper management of the hall. they also raised their voice for the resignation of the provost”

On the other hand, students of Shamsuzzoha and Latif hall also gathered in front of the provost room and started their demonstration around 11:30am by locking the hall gate demanding the same as Ziaur Rahman hall”

The situation came under control as the hall provost along with the members of university proctorial body assured of the students to met their demand.

Md Jahidul Islam, a agitate student of Ziaur Rahman hall told that they had been suffering a lot since long time as their hall canteen was closed and low quality of the food served in hall dining.

Students also alleged that though the hall connected with WiFi network but the frequency was too low to use flexibly that made the network useless.

Shahid Shamsuzzoha hall provost Prof Mostofa Sharif Anwar told the New Nation that he would take proper steps to fulfill the student’s demand as he heard them.

Md. Tarikul Hasan, the university proctor told that the students of three hall were gathered inside the hall with few demands. the hall administration assured of them in fulfilling the demands.

The situation came back in normal, he added.


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