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The Probability of Tort Law in Bangladesh

To distinguish a tort from a crime or a violation of contract, which are wrongs committed not only against the state but also against a person, a tort is defined as a civil wrong in English common law. To defend people's rights and property as well as their social standing, the tort law has been established to protect them.

If a claimant suffers loss or harm, and it comprises psychological distress, financial losses, injuries, defamation, privacy, and many other things, people have enough scope to seek reward for the victim’s losses under tort law. In criminal law, the victim cannot get any compensation, but in a tort case, there is adequate sc...

Ocean governance with the neighbours a must

The Bay of Bengal has emerged as a ocean governance with the neighbouring countries vital prospect of blue economy for Bangladesh if the country takes the full advantage of its sea resources like gas, fish and shipping. Some foreign countries and companies have grabbed the opportunity as reported in media. The reasons that Bangladesh lags behind in this sector are mainly due to its lack of expertise and policy regime, the report says. bdreports24Blue economy encompasses the sum total of all economic activities associated with the oceans, seas, h...

‘My home’ not to be blared with fake housing cos

Undoubtedly it’s a dream of all the city dwellers to own a home. To realize the ‘my home’ they usually go to different housing companies and the brokers who most of the times deceive them. So, ‘dream of my home’ only remains a far cry for the inhabitants of Dhaka city teeming with more than 1.2 million people. While the government is not capable of meeting the accommodation demand of the city people, they have to rely on those tricksters engaged in housing business only to making quick buck, not for the minimum benefits of the city residents. bdreports24-300x214...
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SSNPs must not be deemed on political view

Though Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs) are considered as an important tool to reduce poverty in a country like ours, but a debate has been raised recently about the modus operandi of these programmes in Bangladesh. According to the reports published in media, questioned on poverty rate is raised by the Bangladesh Bank Governor about a year ago. As Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) claims the current poverty rate is below 30 per cent, then why the government is paying allowances for 50 percent of the population under social net programmes. The debate has also been swelled up, as the allocation of the money under social cause is being misused or mismanaged due to ploticisation, corruption and exploitation.

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