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Pharmacy new DPSC-UAP inter dept Champion, Law Runner-up

  In a dazzling display of eloquence and wit, the Debating and Public Speaking Club (DPSC) of the University of Asia Pacific crowned its new champions and celebrated the prowess of its debaters in the grand finale held on campus auditorium on Sunday. The event, which served as a testament to the university's commitment to nurturing exceptional communicators, saw the Pharmacy team clinch the championship title, while their counterparts from the Law team (Humayra Adiba Kotha, Saniur Rahman and Ferdaus Khan Fair) secured a commendable runner-up p...

USG demands to protect heritage sites

News Desk/UNB Urban Study Group (USG) formed a Human chain rally in front of the National Museum at Shahabag demanding to protect 100 years aged heritage architectures of Old Dhaka. They demanded to stop demolishing the traditional 'Nilam Ghar' of puran Dhaka which govt. has leased to Bar Association for one year. But Bar Association has planned to make a six storied building breaking the law and verdicts of high court as it is prohibited to destroy such heritage sites. "Bar Association has already broke a huge portion of the traditional Nilam Ghar though we protested it and informed it to the proper authorities to take urgent initiatives but authorities didn’t take any proper action," main

Online Vs in-person class

Rabiul Alam, Dhaka
COVID-19 pandemic appeared as a black swan in the life of South Asian people like other parts of the world. Like other sectors, education was the sector worst hit by the pandemic. For health safety, every government of South Asian countries had to shut down all educational institutions in their respective countries for one year to one and a half years. Time was ticking away. Schools, colleges, and universities had to find an online education system to keep educational activities vibrant. From experiencing an absolute halt in educational activities to the hybrid model of learning, people coped up with the new normal. The task of adapting to this transformation was not easy for ...

Rights education: A value-added learning in the pedagogy

A. R. Farrukh Ahamed

Getting an education is a basic human right.  It is also the same to get education regarding human rights.  So, getting human rights education is, no doubt, a basic human right. The right to education is now synonymous with the right to human rights education considered almost worldwide as a precondition of quality education. Bangladesh has successfully achieved a record of almost 100 percent enrollment in primary education after a l...

Moral Learning: Looking beyond the present syllabi  

A. R. Farrukh Ahamed

‘Where is morality?’, if one asks, then nobody seems to hesitate to answer, it is nowhere now in Bangladesh. It has become now a million-dollar question as from the high ups of the country to the pious cleric, politicians, businessmen, bureaucrats, university teachers to poor schoolmasters; nobody is spared from the allegations of corruption. When talks about such moral degradation emerge in a city seminar or either in a village tea stall gossiping, usually it blames the education system of the country to be responsible for making more heinous minds among the educated ones. No wonder it makes when a news report reveals that a university teacher is accused of harassing his female student sexually, or...

VCs Like Generals With No Guns

Two phrases consist of same words; just change the position of the words, the meaning also alters --- lexically and contextually. The words are business and education, and when they set altering to make sense, they are --- either Business Education or Education business. Very unfortunately, these two words are now very synonymous considering the reality of private universities in Bangladesh, writes Farrukh Khosru.

However, after the collapse of Soviet statehood, with the emergence of corporate capitalism u...
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