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Robi brings spl offer with Novo Air

Robi customers under Dhonnobad program can now get exciting offer from the luxury airliner Novo Air. Robi has signed an agreement with Novo Air today at the company’s Corporate Office at Gulshan. Robi’s General Manager for Loyalty & Win-back Tawfique Imam and Novo Air’s Head of ImageMarketing & Sales Sohail Majid signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. This exclusive agreement allows Robi’s Platinum Ace and Platinum category customers to avail 10% discount on base fare. They will also get 5 Kg excess baggage carrying a...

Robi Keeps the beach clean for tourists

Robi is sponsoring a Beach Cleaning project to keep the longest beach in the world clean and the pride of Bangladesh for the tourists. Thousands of tourists flocking to the Beach city round the year are enjoying the benefits of the initiative. Robi Beach Cleaning 2Recently, following a storm that hit the coastal areas of the country, the cleaning staff had removed all the debris left by the storm within no time; making it convenient for the visitors to enjoy the scenic beauty of the Bay of Bengal. The project management te...

Robi Recharge Plus offers data purchase

Robi has recently added data purchase facility on its alternate digital recharge platform Recharge Plus. Earlier this digital platform used to offer only airtime recharge. Robi has added the data purchase feature to this convenient digital recharge platform, in order to address the need of the rapidly evolving data market and changing consumer lifestyle. R+_Logo_enNow, Robi customers do not have to venture out of their home to buy data packs. Currently three (3) data bundles are on offer at Recharge Plus. All the data packs available on Recharg...

Robi brings SMS based Quiz Contest

Robi has recently launched an exclusive SMS based quiz contest. Winners of the quiz contest can watch “Poddo Patar Jol” exclusively with actor/actress of the movie. The campaign will continue till July 28 2015. Robi users need to subscribe with Amader Taroka News to start the quiz campaign. Just by sending START Q to 16235, Robi users can get daily update on Bangladeshi Celebrities, Media Print related news etc. The user needs to stay with the service during the campaign period to be considered as a contestant. Once Robi user subscribes to the Amader Tar...

Robi to provide Wi-Fi in Dhaka University

Robi is going to provide Wi-Fi connectivity in Dhaka University (DU). A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in this regard between Robi and DU on July 11 2015, Saturday. Robi’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Mahtab Uddin Ahmed and DU’s Treasurer Professor Dr. Kamal Uddin signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organization. The signing took place PR pic 3at DU’s Faculty of Business Studies. DU’s Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. A A M S Arefin Siddique was also present at the signing ceremony. Robi will provide free data facilities at the ...

Robi brings new postpaid acquisition pack

Robi has recently launched a new postpaid acquisition pack. With attractive features, this postpaid pack is designed to meet the changing need of the customers. Anyone can get the new Robi Postpaid pack with free connection. But the customer needs to make a security deposit of BDT 500 which will allow him usage exposure worth BDT500 (re-fundable). Also customers will enjoy lowest flat rate of 10p/10sec to any operator’s number (24hrs.) & 35p/SMS to any local operator & 50p/MB PPU internet charge by default. There is no line rent with this pack. robi-1-300x215
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