VAT Day tomorrow

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) is observing VAT Day tomorrow (Friday) and the VAT Week from July 10-16 for the fifth consecutive year.

“Pay the VAT timely to contribute to the development of the country” is the main message of this year’s VAT Day and VAT week.

NBR1State minister for finance and planning MA Mannan will launch the day’s programme by inaugurating a colourful rally at 9 am at the NBR Bhaban, which will end in front of the National Press Club in the capital city.

Like previous years, the programme of the VAT Day and the VAT Week will also include discussion meeting to create more awareness among people and businesses about the VAT.

Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith MP will be the chief guest at the discussion meeting, to be held on Sunday at 10:30 am at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) in the capital city.

Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed, Finance Adviser to the Prime Minister Dr Mashiur Rahman, Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance Ministry Dr Md. Abdur Razzak, NBR Chairman Mohammad Nojibur Rahman and President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), Abdul Matlub Ahmed, will participate in the discussion.

Member of VAT implementation and IT will present a keynote paper on implementation of the VAT Law and Supplementary Duty Act 2012.

At the programme, the revenue authorities will also award the top VAT paying companies for their outstanding contribution to the national exchequer.

Courtesy: BSS


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