L&HR, UAP virtual research seminar series 2022 held

The Research Committee of the Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific organised a webinar titled “Judges’ Removal Procedures in South Asian Countries: A Quest for Better Procedures for Bangladesh.” on April 29, 2022, through Google Meet. Mr. Abdur Rahim, Assistant Professor, presented his working paper on that occasion. The seminar series is one of the regular events of the Department of L&HR, UAP. At that event, usually the faculties of L&HR, UAP present their current research papers in the presence of an expert and the audience to get fruitful feedback.

Dr. Shahdeen Malik, Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, was presented as a resource person on that auspicious occasion. Additionally, all the faculties and interested students of the Department of L&HR were also present on that occasion.

At first, Mr. Abdur Rahim presented his paper elaborately. He discussed the main objectives of his paper. In his discussion, he differentiated the judges’ removal procedures in South Asian countries between Bangladesh and He mentioned that all countries except Bangladesh and Pakistan follow directly or indirectly the parliamentary mechanism of removal of judges. Additionally, he also recommends some lessons for Bangladesh. Therefore, Dr. Shahdeen Malik delivered his positive thoughts on the paper and added the issue of the Judge’s removal procedure in south Asian countries is so exceptional and as far as I know in Bangladesh no one has worked on this issue; at the same time, he suggested some points that are helpful for further improvement.

In the end, there was a question-answer session, where the audience directly put questions to Mr Abdur Rahim and the key discussant of the program, Dr. Shahdeen Malik. They answered all the questions. Finally, the anchor of the program, Nazia Wahab, Assistant Professor, thanked everyone and concluded the program.


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