Fish fry releases at JU Lake

The authorities of Jahangirnagar University (JU) have released a total of seven thousands fish fries in its lake on Sunday.


On the occasion of National Fish Week, JU released the fish fries in front of the transport’s lake. Around 11:00am, Dr. Shelina Afroza, Secretary for Fisheries and Livestock Ministry released the fish fries.

Fisheries and Livestock ministry provided a total of seven thousands rui, katla and mrigel fish fries without any cost to the JU. After releasing the fish fries Dr. Shelina visited the JU campus.

Among others, JU Vice-Chancellor Prof Farzana Islam, Pro-VC Abul Hossain and Treasurer Abul Khair and staffs were attended at the fish fry releasing programme.

Md. Asaduz Zaman, JU Correspondent


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