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PBL celebrates Mujib Birth Centenary

Pubali Bank Limited (PBL) has celebrated the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. M. Azizul Huq, Chairman, Board of Directors of Pubali Bank Ltd. formally inaugurated the ceremony by cutting a cake at Head Office.

Among others, Directors- Monzurur Rahman, Moniruddin Ahmed,...

Amirul rewarded for biotechnology inventions

Campus Report

A Bangladeshi young researcher Dr Md. Amirul Islam shows the new hope of light to mitigate the shortage of food and food security. By inventing the new genetic of food and biotechnology, the researcher wants to lead the world through his new invention.

Currently Dr Amirul Islam has been working as a research fellow at the University dé Sherbrooke, Quebec in Canada for last 2 years with the arena of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, where he is working to develop a novel semiconductor based photonic biosen...

Bangladesh celebrates 3 New Years this year

Sir Frank Peters

2020 will be a year full of fun, celebrations, and joyful activities.

It will be written in the annals of history, as the year Bengalis celebrated not one, not two, but three New Years! Yes, three! It might even warrant a Guinness Book of Records certificate.
Bangabandhu yearThe first New Year celebration has already been, gone, and given its annual due revelry treatment (January 01, 2...

BUFT debate team qualifies UCB nat’l debate contest

BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) debate team has qualified the 1st round at UCB Public Parliament National Debate Competition on 23rd July 2016 in the ATN Studio in the capital. The topic of the debate was “Only Social Awareness can remove Terrorism”. Shadowing the ruling party BUFT debate team took position in favour of the motion while Prime University debate team shadowed the opposition and took position against the motion. The Honorable Home Minister Mr. Asaduzzaman Khan was present as the Chief Guest while Dr.

Victorious Clinton claims historic ‘milestone’ for women

Hillary Clinton declared a historic victory for women Tuesday as she grasped the Democratic party nomination and the chance to become America’s first female president. “Thanks to you, we’ve reached a milestone,” an ecstatic Clinton told roaring supporters in New York, “the first time in our nation’s history that a woman will be a major party’s nominee.” The former first lady took a monumental step back toward the White House by winning New Jersey, one of six states voting in the last major date of the 2016 primary calendar. The triumph came almost eight years to the day since Clinton’s first bid for the Oval Office bid was spectacularly thwarted by a charismatic young senator called Barack Obama. Two terms later, the 68-year-old declared another glass ceiling broken and set ...
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