BUFT holds English Teachers’ Forum – Spring 2016

Athree day long BUFT English Teachers’ Forum- Spring 2016 organized by the Department of English, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) was held from 21 March to 23 March 2016 at BUFT Auditorium.

The closing ceremony of the four day long forum was addressed by Prof. Dr Syed Masud Hossain and Prof. Dr. Ayub Nabi Khan, respectively the Vice Chancellor and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT). They appreciated the endeavor of the Department of English in organizing the forum, and expressed their hope that _MG_0081in near future English Department of BUFT will successfully organize international conferences. With the theme “Revisiting Language Pedagogy in the Classroom” the forum addressed important aspects of English language pedagogy in the classroom in the context of Bangladesh with a view to ensuring research based innovative teaching in the language classroom.

Mr Ali Azgor Talukder, Associate Prof. & Head of the Department of English presented a brief report of the scholarly presentations and discussions held during the three days of the Forum on eight topics covering the teaching of all the four language skills. He also mentioned in his speech that the young, energetic, and learned faculty members of the department of English are sincerely working for making the department of English at BUFT as one of the best English departments of the country. The sessions of the Forum were open for all interested teachers. After each speaker’s presentation lively discussions held on the issue. Around one hundred teachers participated in the forum.


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