BUFT team visits universities in Netherlands, Germany

A high power delegation of BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) headed by Mr. Muzaffar U. Siddique, the founder Chairman of BUFT visited Saxion University of Applied Sciences and Nyenrode Business University of Netherlands and Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences of Germany as the part of ongoing educational collaboration from 24th April to 28th April 2016.

On behalf of Saxion University, Ms. Mirjam Koster, Director of School of Creative Technology cordially welcomed them. There was a formal meeting session where BUFT team elaborated not photoonly the role of the university in promoting RMG, Fashion & Textile related education in Bangladesh but  also discussed various issues relating to the Textile and Fashion  education in Netherlands. In the meeting they focused on joint research initiatives and joint international projects on Textile, Apparel and Fashion; faculty and student exchange programs; credit transfer facilities; research and training facilities etc.

In the meeting as BUFT members of the Board of Trustees Mr. Tipu Munshi, MP; Mr. Md. Shafiul Islam (Mohiuddin), First Vice President, FBCCI and Pro-Vice Chancellor of BUFT Prof. Dr. Engr. Ayub Nabi Khan; Ms. Erna Englen, Team leader & Course Director of Fashion Technologies, Ms. Evelyn Eijkelenkamp, Exchange Coordinator/ Internationalization; Mr. Ger Brinks, Lector of Smart Functional Materials were present.

In order to consolidate, extension & implement of present collaboration agreement, from September 2016 a group of 4 students will start one semester study in Textile Engineering (TE) & Textile Technology Management (TTM) in Saxion University.

BUFT team also expressed their desire to extend the educational collaboration agreement with Nyenrode Business University of Netherlands. BUFT team signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences of Germany in terms of mutual interest like faculty and student exchange programs; credit transfer facilities; research and training facilities, internship program in Bangladesh and Germany etc.

His Excellency the Ambassador of Bangladesh of Netherlands organized a dinner party in honor of BUFT delegation where high profile foreign dignitaries of Netherlands, diplomats and sector Associations personals were present.


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