Inter-Univ debate contest at RU on Friday

Inter university debating contest titled “Bisk club-BFDF National Debate fest-2016” will held at Rajshahi University which is arranged by Business studies Faculty Debating Forum (BFDF).

IMG_3547BFBF has organized the debate contest for the forth times where 32 teams from public and private Universities across the country are expected to participate.

Rajshahi Law Maker Fazle Hasan Badshah will inaugurate the inaugural programme at RU dean’s complex and RU vice chancellor Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan will present as special guest, said Nafiul Hoque Jisan chief executive member of BFDF. On Saturday, final contest will be held while State minister MD. Shaharier Alam will hand over prizes among the winner presenting as chief guest. Among others Rajshahi Law Maker Akter Jahan will present on the final contest.

RU correspondent


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