Libraries Unlimited: A nationwide library project

The British Council, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, is implementing a nationwide project titled Libraries Unlimited, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop the Library sector in Bangladesh.

An MoU was signed between the British Council and the Department of Public Libraries under libraries-unlimited_bc-3Ministry of Cultural Affairs (MoCA) to implement the five-year project. According to the MoU, a Project Office has been established in Department of Public Libraries Building at Shahbag, Dhaka.

The Project Office has been officially inaugurated jointly by the Secretary of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs (MoCA) Begum Akhtari Momtaz and the Director of British Council Barbara Wickham on 10 November 2016. The first meeting of the Libraries Unlimited Project Steering Committee took place in the new office after the inauguration.

The Libraries Unlimited project aims to greatly improve the lives of the citizens of Bangladesh through creating new and innovative models of libraries that will provide free access to information, resources and internet with a particular focus on reaching women, young people ‘not in education, regular employment or training’ (NEETs) (aged 15-24) and micro-entrepreneurs. The project is focusing on three core areas of action: policy advocacy, establishment of model libraries, and professional development of librarians.


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