National Mourning Day observed at SUST

Shahjalal University of Science and technology (SUST) has observed National Mourning Day with due solemnity on Saturday marking the 40th anniversary of assassination of the Father of the Nation  Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Teachers, students along with the other officials, SUST Vice-chancellor Prof Dr Aminul Haque Bhuyan paid NMD-1homage to Bangabandhu by hoisting black flag early in the morning in front of administrative building on the campus. They hold black badge and a mourn rally paraded the whole campus.

A seminar was held at the auditorium of the university titled ‘15th August: Amader Chetonai Agat’. The key note speaker of the seminar was Prof Dr Md Rased Talukdar, Student Adviser of SUST while SUST VC was present as chief guest. Prof Dr Narayan Shah chaired the program.

Speakers said, Bangabandhu the architect of Bangladesh’s independence, was assassinated along with all but two members of his family at the crack of dawn on August 15 in 1975. The aims of the killers were not only to kill Bangabandhu but also to smash the ideals of the War of Independence and re-establish the defeated forces.

Along others, SUST Treasure Dr Elias Uddin Biswas, Prof Kabir Hossain, president of SUST Teachers Association, Prof Aktarul Islam and Md Sakil Bhuyan spoke inthe seminar.

A ‘Dua Mahfil’ and ‘Prayer Season’ also held at the central mosque and university center consecutively.

Faijullah Wsif, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology


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