Outsourcing, online career workshop

Comilla University IT Society (CoUITS) organized a workshop on “Data Entry, Graphic Design, Outsourching and Online Career.” on Thursday at Comilla University.

Chief guest, CoU VC Professor Dr. Emran Kabir Chowdhury inagurated the workshop. Professor online class ImageDr. Mohammad Sayadur Rahaman, Director of IQAC, Comilla University was present as special guests. Proctor, teachers, students, CoU IT society’s President, General Secraty and others members were also present there.

CoU VC Dr. Emran Kabir Chowdhury said,” Those who spent their merits and labour on the potential arena of online world, they will succeed.”

On the workshop,students were trained up on data entry, graphic design, outsourcing and online career.

Jahed Nohim, CoU


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