Qatar Charity finishes Bangladesh projects

Qatar Charity (QC) has completed development projects to provide basic services and livelihoods to the needy in Datyabara in Bangladesh.

The projects included establishing a school for preparatory and secondary students, a health centre, a mosque, a centre for reciting the Holy Quran, a home for social care, and surface water wells. Agricultural lands were also distributed to 30 needy families under an income generation programme. More than 5,000 people are benefiting.

Students attending a class in a school built by Qatar Charity in Bangladesh.

“As a result of the difficult circumstances, the people of the town and neighbouring villages suffered due to a lack of basic services,” said Khaled Abdullah Al Yaf’i, Director of Operations, QC.

QC aimed to provide the people with basic education, health, drinking water and sanitation facilities and make them independent through income generation programmers,” he added.

Al Yaf’i said while planning and setting its strategies for Bangladesh, QC ensured to cover all fields, including development projects, keeping pace with development plans of Bangladesh government. “We thank the philanthropists from Qatar for extending a helping hand to the needy people as religious and moral responsibility towards all the needy around the world,” he added. Datyabara is part of Medonghar in Bangladesh. The village is around 260km from the capital Dhaka and is considered one of the remote because there are no roads leading to it.

One can reach there only through motorcycles, especially in the raining season. Most of the lands are filled with water after it rains and boats are the only available means of transportation to access the area.

QC plans to build additional floors to buildings to enable the centre to offer multiple services for the increasing number of needy people.

Other services will be added such as a centre for occupational education, mainly in the agricultural field. The project was implemented under Bangladesh’s developmental plan for agriculture and educational centres.

Through this centre, students will be taught the most recent methods of farming, including producing enhanced seeds and harvesting crops which can face insects and survive disasters like floods. The centre will help double production of the farms and will make them more adaptable to all types of climate so that the output remains all year-long.

The Peninsula




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