RU observes Environment Day

Rajshahi University observed International Environment day titled “to protect wild animal and environment, protect world”.  RU observed the day with tree planting, rally and discussion programme.

Sunday at 10am, Prof Mohammad Mizanuddin vice chancellor of Rajshahi University inaugurated the programme at environment science institute of RU by planting tree. In the ru photo (1)meantime pro-vice chancellor Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan, tresurer Sayen Uddin Ahmed and Register prof Muhammad Antajul Hoque also planted tree. On the other hand RU three journalist organization named by Rajshahi University journalist association (RUJA), Press club, Reporters Unity observed the day by planting tree. After that, a grand rally walked out the main roads of the University.

At 11am, a discussion programme was held at University’s Senate building. Prof A Atiq Rahman executive director of centre for advance studies presented the keynote of the programme.

RU correspondent


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