SAYS distributes warm clothes

South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) has organized ‘Sharing Warmth-2015-16’ in Vendabari, Pirganj, Rangpuron January 15, 2016. SAYS truly believes that the young generation can play a leading role to rescue the winter victims in the country and contribute significantly for the social development of Bangladesh.

Since 2011, South Asian Youth Society has been organizing winter blanket and cloth distribution program named “Sharing Warmth” in different winter affected districts of Bangladesh.

‘Sharing Warmth’ is organized by the participants of Young Fellowship Challenge (YFC) of SAYS. The organizing team is visiting the remote areas of the Vendabari Winter Imageunion of Pirganj Upozila, Rangpur to distribute the warm clothes and blanket to the destitute people affected by cold wave. This year SAYS team distributed blankets in Pirganj, Rangpur. A member of SAYS Community Development Team, Moon informed, “We have a target to donate blankets to the children, orphans and over aged people, who are suffering in the winter.”

South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) is a non-profit regional youth development organization, registered in Bangladesh. SAYS envisions to build peace and prosperity in South Asia. Since its inception in 2008, it is now recognized as the leading young social leaders and change makers platform for social development and human development activities in South Asia.

Omer Fayshal Pavel


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