Swimming contest begins at RU

A two days enter University swimming and water polo contest begins at Rajshahi University. Chawdhury Sarwar Jahan, Pro-vice chancellor of Rajshahi University inaugurated the in augural programme at 8am.

Rajshahi University, Chatrogram University, Jahangirnagor University, Joshor Science and ru picTechnology University and Borishal University take participate the contest. The first day of the contest eight swimming and two water polo event was held.

Among others Prof. Nilufer Sultana president of sub-committee of athletics and acuitie, RU proctor prof Md. Mojibul Hoque Ajad Khan, RU student adviser Md. Mijanur Rahman, administrator of public relation office Md. Moshiur Rahman, Various Hall provost of RU and Acting director of Athletics department Chawdhury Moriruzzaman was present in the inaugural programme.

RU correspondent



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